This study was conducted to determine the effect of Abscisic Acid (ABA) and Ancymidol
on proliferation of female inflorescences explants of date palm. In the first experiment two lengths
of spath at (5–7 cm) or at (7–10 cm) were cultured on nutrient media which consists of half macro
and full micro-salts of MS medium supplemented with gradual decreasing in concentration of
Abscisic Acid (ABA) and Ancymidol from 4.5, 3.0, 1.5 to 0.5 mg
. In the second experiment
two phases of nutrient medium (solid and liquid) and two source of carbon were investigated.
Gradual decreasing of ABA concentrations from 4.5 mg
to 1.5 mg
in culture medium,
stimulated the production of direct somatic embryos and accelerated callus initiation, but at last
decrement (0.5 mg
) of Ancymidol concentration few embryos were produced. Callus initiation
from inflorescences explants gave high production and well development of somatic embryos when
cultured on liquid medium supplemented with 40 g
sucrose. All direct or indirect somatic
embryos obtained in these experiments were converted successfully to healthy normal plantlets
which could be transferred to acclimatization stage.