Remaining foundation heave was calculated to be approximately
25 mm (1 in.) for the spread footings and less than 13 mm
(0.5 in.) for the piers.
The surveys showed that some areas of the building slab had
heaved as much as 356 mm (14 in.) with differential movements
as high as 279 mm (11 in.). The site inspections also showed that
the grading around the building was very flat, even in landscaped
areas immediately adjacent to the foundation.
Observation of the grandstand slab showed some cracking near
the general locations of the shear walls beneath the slab. Of particular
interest was the observation that a void space had developed
between the grandstand and the bedrock in the location shown by
the shaded area in Fig. 9(a). It was later determined that this void
space had been caused by uplift of the grandstand slab.
The inclinometer data are shown in Fig. 10. The data from Inclinometer
EA-I1 indicated that the top of the grandstand was not
moving. When inclinometer data are analyzed, it is normally assumed
that the bottom of the inclinometer is fixed. When the data
for inclinometer EA-I2 were analyzed with that assumption, the
data suggested that the toe of the grandstand was moving in a direction
toward the slope as shown in Fig. 10. Movement of that
nature was not considered possible. Correct interpretation of the
data will be discussed more fully subsequently.