Over the next 14 years Elizabeth spent a staggering £200,000 on reconstructive operations to put right damage from the surgery.
She said: 'Over the years I've had lots of implants put in and taken out to make my right breast the same size as my left.
'The tissue in my right breast was so badly damaged that there was almost nothing left.
'One operation involved taking a muscle from my back to replace damaged tissue in my right breast.
'I've spent time recovering in oxygen tents and almost died three times.'
Now Elizabeth has a saline implant containing four litres of liquid in her right breast, to match the breast fluid in her left.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2539086/Porn-star-illegal-string-breast-implants-says-life-ruined.html#ixzz2qQbaX3TX
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