Merm's will now wear hats and chop and mine for you if following.
Ever think to yourself? "What's up with that guy following me?!!"
Is he a funny pink colour? Making ridiculous noises? Living in a totally stupid looking house?
If so then Wicked is the character for you. This loveable lizard was raised by Merms; until one day he was kidnapped by an associate of the pigmen!
Thankfully like said pigmen, the associate was stupid. He left some raw meat in arms reach of Wicked's cage and in moments the cage and associate were no more...
After his devastating rampage. Wicked vowed to take the fight to the pigmen with bunny and fish in hand!!
Wicked's Main Features:
• Obviously number one he is a lizard along with all the pro's and con's that en-tails.
• Merms are not only friendly but can follow you. Give them pigskin to prove your cause is gonna be a fun one!
• Why build a stupid straight looking house when you can build a bendy one!! It's 4 times the fun. : )
• Unlike Wicked's Merm cousins he likes meat. He REALLY likes meat!! In moderation meat likes him too. However too much meat and his ancestors ways will get the better of him...
• will not work with Merm House by Graumaflux as already incorporated into the game.
Yeah that sounds fun but what do you actually mean by...
• Wicked has events based on hunger and temperature. It's harder for him to freeze but it also slows him down. He takes more damage from overheating but is also faster from high temperatures.
• Wicked has a leveling system similar to WX-78. (but much slower) Rather than based on gears, it's meat and meat dishes. Only the standard game foods. Any extra's from mods you'll have to add yourself in the prefab lua.
• As his level increases he can unlock a bigger stomach and health. With a bigger stomach he can unlock a mightier version of himself with stat bonuses. These stack with the temperature stat changes.
• Wicked can't build pig houses or Rabbit Hutches. He can build a Merm house. (Rundown house) Merm houses have 4 merms rather than one pig by default. Merms spawn ever 4 days if killed. The houses are 4 times more resources to build and use boards, cut stone, fish and frogs legs.
• Other minor changes have been made for Wicked siding with Merms but these are not gameplay related so will be a surprise.
• When Wicked eats too much meat he will transform into Wickzilla!! He is twice as strong as the Werebeaver and needs meat to keep going. However when he changes back into Wicked he loses all levels and experience! The effects of eating meat do decrease over time and he will tell you when he's eating too much meat.
• Merm's will not attack you but pigmen and bunny men will. If you give a Merm pigskin they will follow you forever. They will attack any enemy on sight when it gets in there range and will keep attacking until they kill it or are killed. In groups they will share targets if close enough. They have a new wander when they are followers so don't just wander home everytime in the same directions. It's designed for about 3 or 4 to run smoothly but you can have as many as you like following but this has not been tested.
Recent Updates:
• v1.05 Your Lizard Your Rules
Wicked now has a custom mod menu in the main mods menu!
• v1.06 Custom Intro
A continuation of Usez awesome comic.
• v1.07 Compatibility original Don't Starve and Reign of Giants
The graphics in this mod are all the wonderful artwork of Usez who is a profession artist. I (Bones) have just done the coding part of the project. I am not a profession like Usez but try my best. The mod has been thoroughly tested. That's said if there are any problems please let me (Bones) know and I will try my best to fix them. Hope you enjoy the mode as much as we have putting it all together. : )
Lastly massive thank you to all the Klei modding community as I have looked at many of the forums and other mods to work out how to do stuff. The merm house icon was created by Graumaflux, hope that is okay to use it but if not please contact me and I'll take out and we will create a new one. Have tried to contact you on Klei forum and will keep trying.