Reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography procedure was
developed and validated for analysis of β-carotene The working calibration curves over
the ranges of 5.0-100.0 µg/mL was successfully applied for the preparation of aril oilloaded NLC and cream containing aril oil-loaded NLC were studied. After 8 hours of
expose to light from a fluorescent bulb (approximately 600 lux) in the black box at room
temperature. Cream containing aril oil and cream containing aril oil-loaded NLC had
remaining percentages of β-carotene 42.14 and 59.52%, respectively. Subsequently,
stability over time of cream containing aril oil and cream containing aril oil-loaded NLC
at controlled temperature for 3 months was examined. At 45 C, the percentage
remaining of β-carotene was 27.79 and 37.83%, respectively. At 25 C, the percentage
remaining of β-carotene was 59.84 and 73.38%, respectively. The highest content of β-
carotene at 4C was 73.98 and 79.87%, respectively. The preparation of aril oil-loaded
NLC and cream containing aril oil-loaded NLC was simple, convenient, rapid,
economical low cost, and safe.