At present, the terms of business, education, science, and technological
progress have been presented by new technology and the adoption of the Internet
which almost in English, so it is necessary to have high English proficiency to
communicate (Wiriyachitra, 2002). With the opening of the AEC (ASEAN Economic
Community) in 2015, MPN inter-trade reported on December 6
, 2012 that Thailand
had great opportunities to grow with tourism and travel, international business and
foreign investments, and access to more labor. Also, it will expand Thai agricultural
shipments in the region. Moreover, Bangkok post stated on September 17
, 2013,
The governmen will reform Thailand economically o ensure i s readiness o cope
wi h compe i ion among ASEAN coun ries and rapid change globally,” the Prime
Minister said. However, Darasawang (2007) indicated that during the reign of King
ama V, English became the most prestigious foreign language when many foreigners
visited Thailand, creating a greater need for English. King ama V believed that the
modernization and progress of the country required more Thais to study foreign
languages and be educated abroad. Therefore, English language is international
language as a working and learning language, so improvement Thai students in
English ability is to enhance their chance to work and study efficiency.