“Show me around. I want to see if there’s any I like, thank you.” Zhang Ye had a passion for cars. He was a man, after all. He was all excited since stepping foot in here.
“Sure. This way, please.” The female shop assistant in her high heels said, “What do you think of this sedan model? It’s an imported Reizi, top of the range. 4T, and is selling very well right now.”
What the hell was that brand!
Zhang Ye waved his hands, “I don’t really like it.”
“How about this model? It’s a J-Bond, imported from Europe. It’s a seven seater, very suitable for the family outings. It is very spacious. It’s also very suitable for businesses.” The shop assistant introduced.
Why don’t you call it a Durex instead!
Zhang Ye continued to shake his head. He was not interested in this world’s new car manufacturers. Although these brands may not be “new”, Zhang Ye still had totally no concept of them. He still preferred the manufacturers of his old world, maybe because he was nostalgic, or because he was used to them. Or maybe even because those were the only things that reminded Zhang Ye that he did not truly belong in this world.