To identify and analyze literature that consider risk as it relates to human resources, we undertook a comprehensive review of
a wide range of articles, but used a number of steps to place limits on this review. We restricted our review to articles published
since January 2000 (search conducted on 28 July 2015). The period since 2000 has seen the emergence of risk management as a
discipline (and business imperative), in part in response to significant financial collapses in the early years of the new century
(Dionne, 2013) and therefore this period represented an appropriate timeframe fromwhich to gather articles relating to contemporary
risk management.
The choice of journals to include in a systematic review is always a contentious issue, as ensuring sufficient breadth of review
and yet allow for depth of analysis requires the careful consideration of search parameters. Some reviews have chosen to begin
with a list of specific journals (e.g. the top 20 management journals — see Werner and Ward (2004) or Gomez-Mejia and Balkin