The home run came with the availability and explosive
acceptance and use of the Internet (and intranet) as a
new means of long distance two-way communication of
voice, data, and most importantly video. For over a decade
the long distance transmission of video was limited to slow
telephone transmission of video images—snap-shots (slowscan
video). The use of dedicated high speed (expensive)
land lines or expensive satellite communications was
limited to government and large-clientele users. Now the
Internet provides near-live (near real-time) video transmission
communications over an inexpensive, easily accessible
worldwide transmission network.
powerful microprocessors, large hard disk computer memory
storage, and random access memory (RAM) became
available from the personal computer/laptop industry,
thereby providing the computing power necessary to control,
view, record, and play back digital CCTV cameras in
the security system.
The home run came with the availability and explosiveacceptance and use of the Internet (and intranet) as anew means of long distance two-way communication ofvoice, data, and most importantly video. For over a decadethe long distance transmission of video was limited to slowtelephone transmission of video images—snap-shots (slowscanvideo). The use of dedicated high speed (expensive)land lines or expensive satellite communications waslimited to government and large-clientele users. Now theInternet provides near-live (near real-time) video transmissioncommunications over an inexpensive, easily accessibleworldwide transmission network.powerful microprocessors, large hard disk computer memorystorage, and random access memory (RAM) becameavailable from the personal computer/laptop industry,thereby providing the computing power necessary to control,view, record, and play back digital CCTV cameras inthe security system.
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