I'd relly like to go.. i love watching live music and some good bands are coming. It's difficult to get tickets, and they are expensive so I'm not sure If I will be able to go.
standing in the rain and listening to loud rock music is not my idea of fun! I don"t mind having the festival here- it's important to have evevts for young people, i think but personally. I'm planning to go away that weekend!
i'm really excited about having the festival here. I'm hoping to spend aii three days there-It's be so cool! I'm queuing to get my ticket right now!
I think there'll be a great atmosphere in the town we definitely want to take our kids. camping and meeting different people will be a great experience for them and we will enjoy listening to the music!
I'm not Keen on having the festival here. I know there will be trouble people will get drunk and behave badly in the town. There will be litter and noise. I'm writing to the council to complain about it.