This investigation required a variety of tools for completion. The researcher used the
book A to Z Mysteries: The White Wolf by Ron Roy. This developmentally appropriate book is
both adventurous and mysterious. It is a chapter book containing language appropriate for
students in the second grade. To keep student attention, it also contains vivid imagery to further
develop comprehension. This book was obtained in both print and electronic formats. The
electronic version was purchased from the iBooks store application found on all Apple iPads.
The researcher obtained 10 in-print copies of the book and 10 electronic copies of the book.
To view the electronic copies of the book, 10 iPads were needed. An iPad is an
electronic device (similar to the personal computer) that enables the user to explore a number of
applications. Applications are small programs that can be run on an iPad, such as iBooks and
iTunes that allow the user to complete a variety of tasks. During this study, the students were
using the iBook application, which allowed the students to read the text electronically.
The researcher also needed an experience survey (see Appendix A) and comprehension
quizzes (see Appendices B and C) for student completion after each session of reading the book.
Enough copies of each of these documents were obtained so that each student could have a personal copy. The comprehension quizzes were used to compare student understanding of the
reading on an iPad versus an in-print book. The survey was administered after the students
completed both sessions with the in-print and electronic book. The survey was used to determine
student attitude toward the use of the electronic reader.