- Stay at home when you’re sick.
- Always show up on time for meetings.
- Keep meetings to the scheduled amount of time. Don’t force the next group to
stand in the hallway outside the conference room waiting for you and your group to finish.
- Put your cell phone on vibrate mode to prevent disturbing others.
- Pay attention during meetings and avoid multi-tasking, such as scrolling through
emails on your smart phone or computer.
- Don’t hold meetings in your cubicle and distract those sitting nearby. For meetings
with three or more people, go to a conference room or a break area. i’
- Eat lunch in the cafeteria or break room. Avoid eating smelly food at your desk.
- Be aware of how loud you speak on the telephone if you work in a cubicle environment.
- Avoid wearing perfume or cologne at work.
- Ladies — don’t wear revealing clothing. Let others see your skills, not privatebody
- Respect your co-worker’s property (and compan y property).
~ Don’t take things from others without asking.
- Don’t yell or scream at others. Compassion and empathy will, serve you much better to earn respect.