Concluding Comments
Early theory and research on motivation attempted to de- scribe an essential set of human motives. Only during the last two decades have researchers begun to address system- atically the dynamic interplay of emotions and cognitions with particular environmental conditions that lead to the subsequent pursuit of particular goals. This article focused on a critical, yet often overlooked, element of motivation, namely the perception of time. Socioemotional selectivity theory posits that the approach of endings is related to increased investment in emotionally close social partners and increased focus on emotion regulation in everyday life. Specifically, we argue that boundaries on time provide the framework within which individuals select and prioritize
goals. When time is perceived as expansive, long-term goals are chosen over others because they optimize future possibilities. Under such conditions, contact with novel social partners is prioritized over contact with familiar social partners because possible long-term payoffs have much time to be realized. When time is limited, however, short-term goals, such as social connectedness, social sup- port, and emotional regulation assume highest priority. Under these conditions, focus shifts from the future to the present. Individuals seek out social partners with whom they experience close ties, and emotional experience is characterized by greater complexity.
Rabbi Liebman's quote, which began this article, finds support in the program of research we have described herein. Recognition of the timed fragility of the human circumstance appears to instigate motivational changes that lead to representation of the social world in emotional terms, appreciation of close emotional ties, and efforts to manage the quality of emotional experience in day-to-day