leaves treated satay. The reduction of browning may be due to the
presence of phenolic compounds in spices.
The weight gain of meat obtained by marination and its corresponding
weight loss are good determinants of meat tenderness.
During marination, marinades slowly penetrate into meat. This
results in weakening of the structures due to swelling of the meat,
increased proteolysis and conversion of collagen to gelatine. This
process results in decrease of mechanical resistance of meat and
increased meat tenderness (Cheok, Chin, Yusof, Kamal, & Sazili,
2011). The results have shown that the tenderness of satay
marinated at maximum concentration of all spices was greater than
that of minimum concentration. All medium cooked samples
except 7.5 g/100 g torch ginger treated sample were tender
compared to that of well-cooked samples as shown in Table 3.