Thank you for your email..Sorry for my delays in replying.I am away from office for the moment with limited access to email..
Pertaining to your email request Ref Quote BM15-107 dated 7th April for Items 2,3 and 5 which I have to further discuss with my boss in person and seek approvals kindly please KIV these items for now until further of items is a go ahead..
I will prepare a PR 'Purchase Request" and will further seek a PO "Purchase Order"for your accounts department..Kindly please do prepare a revised quote less item 2,3 and 5 for the moment that will facilitate me to get a PO corresponding to your revised amount..
Thank you...please do not hesitate to me for further clarification if any..missed calls no worries rest assured I will call you back..
Sorry...A bit tedious it may seem all these paperworks and cross emails but it will be clear and transparent for all of us.