Temple of stars become the 27th chapter fascinated
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Countercurrent novel network > fiction > stars become the author: I have tomatoes ISBN: 23266 updates: 2013-2-22
Chapter 27th fascinating Temple
Bai Xuanjun mic originally indifferent expression disappeared, eyes is an amazing burst of cold mountain, staring qinyu yan Xuan of the ring on her finger. Solemn Black Prince Yan Wu Shan is also face up.
"Star, this ring of Yuen yan, where did you get it? "Bai Xuanjun Nathan stared qinyu, looking solemn.
Qinyu see Bai Xuanjun, Yan June two people a black eye, nodded: "Yan Xuan of the ring I got from the inverse of the Celestial Emperor Yang Xian, also he gave me '. ”
"He gave you? He cannot be sent to you. "Bai Xuanjun cold channel" inverse authorities he should know the usefulness of this ring of Yan Xuan, definitely not for outsiders. ”
"But he was dead. "Qinyu went on to say" if he does not die, he will not give outsiders, but he was going to die, a dying man, how could the outside cares about one thing? ”
Qinyu light smiled and said: "his Majesty the Black Prince yan, Bai Xuanjun two, you may not know, I have worked in Celestial, Goblin's sailed over, Yan Xuan is my good luck to get. I know ... Two inverse Yang Xian and Emperor his Majesty love, hopes two of his Majesty to quit in the face of the watch in Yan Xuan, me again. ”
Black Prince yan sighed: "can you tell me, how did he die? ' Inverse authorities had summoned before his death to us, saying he would die. No matter how Nathan and I asked him, he would not tell us why he died. ”
See Bai Xuanjun qinyu.
Qinyu knew, it was estimated in the spirit world poison poisonous insects against emperor Yang Xian. Sorry and good friend said. Until death, against emperor Yang Xian estimates help to leave this secret, tell yourself the later.
"His Majesty the Black Prince yan, Bai Xuanjun two, to tell the truth, against emperor Yang Xian's death some timid, the reason why he did not want him to die before he died out, please forgive me. "Qinyu didn't speak out.
Black Prince yan, Bai Xuanjun over one eye, sighed.
"Die Ly, I really do not know how the inverse Yang died of a timid. "The Black Prince yan sighed, then look to qinyu. "Star, now that you got the ring of Yan Xuan, refined access token such things, we can certainly agree. ”
Bai Xuanjun nodded.
Qinyu hearts easily.
Really bet right.
Qinyu is denied, or again will take out the ring of Yuen yan? Take out ring of Yan Xuan, qinyu still fears black Yan King and Bai Xuanjun misunderstanding he was killed against the Central man, he made a lot of rhetoric, but ... Against emperor Yang Xian before death. He Heiyan you, Bai Xuanjun two communications.
"Thank you for two of his Majesty. "Qinyu DAO.
Bai Xuanjun indifferent: "no, Xie Xie against authorities. Unfortunately, the inverse Yang died, well... "
Qinyu talking to three people in the Office, which few people chatting in the Hall talking about, talk about the topic is, qinyu is able to convince the Black Prince yan and Bai Xuanjun.
"Bai Xuanjun temper of his Majesty, you know. Not as good as convinced. "Deputy sovereign of the Yu said with a smile.
Blue Deputy sovereign, shut his eyes, a cold look.
"I see the stars on the temple looked forward to, and one should be prepared to persuade Wu Shan, although I could not think of how he persuaded Wu Shan and the two men. "Golden Grand Xing Yuan penalty said smiling.
Following Wen feng's heart murmur, qinyu reasons could persuade Bai Xuanjun.
"People came out. "Golden penalty King Xing Yuan said with a smile, and looked out of the door of the Office of the Office. Wenfeng, Blue Group also has seen in the past. Qinyu trio has walked out from the hall door.
See qinyu looks like. We heart bottom.
"Stars dedicated to the mood seems to be good, must be persuaded Wu Shan them. "Xing Yuan said smiling.
Qinyu was about to speak, Black Prince Yan Wu Shan was opening his mouth, laughing: "star he gave us a surprise, Yes. Would help him make a access token. ”
Bai Xuanjun nodded.
"We're in this refined? "Golden Grand Xing Yuan penalty demanded.
Black Prince yan and Bai Xuanjun is nodding, raised no objection.
Qinyu's surprise. This access token can be refined, ready or not?
Wenfeng, qinyu puzzled expression, sound: "Star, this access token refinery for us all, and his Majesty for three, but Flash Kung Fu became. ”
"Well, this is my first time to refine access token, token appearance by me. ”
Golden punishment you hand out a piece of black metal, wrapped one gold out of the Palm of the dark metal, under the strong control of the gold, the piece of metal appearance began to change again.
Just blink time, this piece of black metal into a hexagon-shaped tokens, there is a ' make ', tails have a lifelike statues, gold Grand Xing Yuan penalty himself.
"Xing Yuan, you're narcissistic enough. "Black Prince Yan Wu Shan seen this scene don't laughed, everyone in the Hall don't laughed.
Xing Yuan in all seriousness: "this is my only access tokens one by one refinery, total would like some. Well ... Appearance has been set, Wu Shan, indemnity, we refined it. ”
Bai Xuanjun, Black Prince yan nods.
Three Kings is a solemn, then while stretching out the right hand Palm, three people in the Palm of the right hand at the same time with a light, gold, white, black, and three on the light gathered at the token.
Qinyu eyes squinted.
"Heritage treasures. "Qinyu clearly in mind, three light contains mystic power. This breath and qinyu ' temple entrance ' to exactly the same smell that seal.
An instant. Three kings at the same time withdrew his right hand.
But at the moment, that token has a faint light on the surface, and after a short tempered, this token is not the ordinary metal.
Gold Grand Xing Yuan penalty holding the token looks at statues of himself to show otherwise, enjoy a moment later threw the token to qinyu: "Star, take it. "Qinyu took over.
"This access token is easy to use, you only need this access token to the entrance of the temple, you only need to enter the gold into in the access token and access token will output power into the seal of the entrance of the temple. Then the seal will disappear over time, you will take this opportunity to enter. Come out one way, is poured into the power of gold, lead to the internal energy. "Golden road Grand Xing Yuan penalty carefully.
Black Prince Yan Wu Shan smiling: "Star, nothing when you don't enter gold force
Get in there. This token contains not much energy, it is estimated that only three or four times. If you ran out of energy, can not open sealed the entrance of the temple. ”
"I understand that. ”
Qinyu took the hands of the token, good mood.
He was the token energy. Exactly the same energy in the air and seal flavor, just energy tokens is not much. Estimated lead times will run out.
"Star. Two of the Black Prince yan, Bai Xuanjun came to help, I have orders to prepare the feast, you have to treat both of them. "Golden penalty entrusted Prince Xing Yuan road.
Qinyu nods: "that's for sure. ”
Get the access token, qinyu warm reception on the day of the Black Prince yan, Bai Xuanjun two people, until the next day, qinyu alone. On the roads to the temple.
Wu is 3,000, qinyu soul Elixir, even the ordinary man is not.
Plus star tears auxiliary, qinyu a diversion big enough to cross a star, qinyu moved to speed ... Just for a moment, qinyu came closest to the Temple of the Galaxy, the Galaxy qinyu don't dare move. But by interstellar transfer array to Qiu Jian XING.
Qiu Jian on board.
"My Lord, are you? "The transfer Array Manager is not surprised that not long ago, qinyu but once.
"Yes, me again. "Qinyu said smiling. He is now but a good mood.
Qinyu subsequently turned into a light, into space. Qinyu start of speed on our way ... Flying faster than big feet. Less than half a Galaxy away, qinyu flying for a long time.
Entrance of the temple.
The fan still sits at the entrance to the elders, monitoring the entrance of the temple is a boring job. Fan elders sat quietly, but the practice time was fast.
A while ago, the attack called Star seals, fan memories memories elders now take it out every now and then, however the bottom with a sigh: "stars, really amazing, Ah. ”
"The complex. "That voice.
The complex suddenly opened his eyes to the elders, a look, respectfully: "fan meet star adults, do not know what star ... Adults should also break the seal? ”
Qinyu turned out the access token: "this time, I took the access token. ”
See the source for the visit, numerous elders not by sighing: really are super hands, was able to make three kings exceptional refining a common token for him alone.
"Congratulations, stars get the access token. "The fan said.
"You get out. "Qinyu said with a light laugh.
"Is. "The busy Flash aside, then watched qinyu. People into the temple ... It is extremely difficult to see the scene.
Qinyu's hands before the suspension of the access token in qinyu, qinyu single hand finger, Golden force is entered in the access token. Suddenly, the access token began to shock again.
A three light directly from the access token, to