The buoyant force of a liquid, or how much it pushes upward, depends on the density of the liquid. A body will float if its density is less than that of the liquid in which it is immersed; it will sink if its density is greater. Ice is less dense than water, so icebergs float on the surface of the ocean. Steel ships are designed with many, spaces filled with air so that their density is less than that of water.
Density is computed by dividing the weight of the liquid by its volume. Saltwater has a density of 64 pounds per cubic foot, while fresh water has a density of 62 pounds per cubic foot. Hence the buoyant force of saltwater is greater than that of fresh water, which explains why it is easier for a swimmer to float in the ocean than in a lake. Similarly , an ice cube will fl oat in a glass of water. That some ice cube would sink in pure alcohol, because alcohol has a lower density that ice. The dentency
Of an ice cube to sink or float in a drink depends on the proportion of water to alcohol. Be on your guard if you put an ice cube in a drink and it sinks to the bottom!
Specific gravity is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of water. Human beings have a specific gravity of approximately 1.0,which is the same as that of water. This is not surprising, considering that our bodies are tow-thirds water! However, a fat person has less specific gravity that a thin person and therefore will have an easier time floating.
The buoyant force of a liquid, or how much it pushes upward, depends on the density of the liquid. A body will float if its density is less than that of the liquid in which it is immersed; it will sink if its density is greater. Ice is less dense than water, so icebergs float on the surface of the ocean. Steel ships are designed with many, spaces filled with air so that their density is less than that of water.
Density is computed by dividing the weight of the liquid by its volume. Saltwater has a density of 64 pounds per cubic foot, while fresh water has a density of 62 pounds per cubic foot. Hence the buoyant force of saltwater is greater than that of fresh water, which explains why it is easier for a swimmer to float in the ocean than in a lake. Similarly , an ice cube will fl oat in a glass of water. That some ice cube would sink in pure alcohol, because alcohol has a lower density that ice. The dentency
Of an ice cube to sink or float in a drink depends on the proportion of water to alcohol. Be on your guard if you put an ice cube in a drink and it sinks to the bottom!
Specific gravity is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of water. Human beings have a specific gravity of approximately 1.0,which is the same as that of water. This is not surprising, considering that our bodies are tow-thirds water! However, a fat person has less specific gravity that a thin person and therefore will have an easier time floating.
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