3. Ways forward
The papers contained in this report were written with the aim to contribute towards better management of the
urban environment in Asian cities when developing new ideas and tools. In this quest, case studies analysed
various factors that facilitated the formulation and implementation of policies and evaluated their limitations and
advantages (Chapter Four). These studies provided new insights based on analysis of up-to-date information from
each case study city. However, it has to be admitted and recognised that there is a long way to go before Asian
cities can achieve sustainability in the area of air pollution and GHG emission control, and more strategic research
is necessary to assist decision-makers in making sound decisions. This study is one of the early steps and should
certainly be pursued further.
Firstly, the Third Phase of the UE Project successfully highlighted the linkages between the reduction of travel
activities and reduction of emissions of both air pollutants and GHGs with case studies on Bangkok, Shanghai and
Yokohama. Those case studies clarified this linkage by close examination of local information. It would have Air Pollution Control in the Transportation Sector
been more convincing for decision-makers if the attribution of land use was quantitatively backed. Further efforts
are necessary along that line in the future.
Secondly, the studies in Beijing and the comparative analysis showed the potentials and importance of public
transport and vehicle restraining policies in Asian medium and mega-cities now and in the future. The emergence
of new policies and complexity related to political and economic background in each city indicates that it is
necessary to further develop theories and approaches in this area that fit the individual context of each of these
Asian cities. Those theories or approaches should not only be based on the traditional engineering approach,
which is still prevalent in Asian cities, but also comprehend the fact that the appropriate public transport mode or
policy mix of public transport and vehicle restraining policy depends on the historical and political context,
financial situation, stakeholders and other socio-economic realities.
The relevance of new theories and approaches applicable to the Asian situation needs further illustration and
testing, particularly in the context of the land use and urban transport linkages. Our experience in this study shows
that it is very difficult to analyse Asian cities using the framework such as “compact city” or “smart growth”
which are very much propounded in the case of European and North American Cities.
Finally, those studies focused only on the Travel Activities and Modal Structure for the Third Phase among
the four major drivers shown in Chapter Three. This does not mean other two factors, namely, Energy Intensity
and Fuel Quality, are less important. The UE Project simply attempted to address some of the up-stream issues
that have great potentials to set the right initial conditions for bottom-up issues to play. It is acknowledged that the
world is moving fast on bottom-up issues for various reasons, such as energy intensity and fuel quality. However,
up-stream issues and studies to guide Asian policy makers are urgently needed there too.
The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) is starting three research projects for its Fourth
Phase which follow up the following studies: Co-benefits of GHG mitigation and energy conservation in
transportation; Promotion of urban/local initiatives for sustainable society, and Sustainable use of biofuels in
transport in Asia. It is our hope that those new projects will be able to fill some of the above mentioned needs and
gaps in empowering decision makers. IGES is looking forward to further collaboration with stakeholders in Asia
through those research activities and hopes to make further contributions to sustainability in Asia.