By solving the proposed model for each FLP, the eighth column of Table 3 shows the score of each FLP. Also, Table 3 shows the FLPs ranking results using the proposed model, fuzzy TOPSIS and YK-model. For comparison purpose, we consider the best 5 FLPs as there were 5 FLPs identified by the fuzzy TOPSIS, using the same dataset. The top 5 FLPs identified are FLPs 11, 15, 18, 4 and 17, respectively. These FLPs are the good FLPs in fuzzy TOPSIS
too, due to similarity of ranking order of the criteria in the both models. Comparing the remaining FLPs shows many differences between our method and fuzzy TOPSIS, the reason is that FTOPSIS depended hardly on subjective judgments at drawing stages of membership functions and selecting the linguistic variables