Small SOFC systems in the 1 MW range offer the
possibility of cogeneration. Waste heat produced in the
non-ideal electrochemical process can in principle be offered
as useful heat at various temperature levels. There is
a realistic chance to enter the market in this power class,
because competitive conventional small cogeneration systems
may justify higher investment costs.
Fig. 1 shows a simple concept of a 200 kW SOFC
based on natural gas. On purpose, no optimization was
implemented. As a typical feedstock, the Groningen natural
gas was chosen. This gas consists mainly of methane
81.3 mol%.. Higher hydrocarbons have low concentra-
tions ethane 2.9 mol%, propane 0.4 mol%, others 0.2
mol%.. The rest is nitrogen 14.3 mol%. and carbon
dioxide 0.9 mol%.. The lower heating value LHV. is 708
It is further assumed that stack operation with a degree
of 50% internal methane reforming would be possible.
According to the present status of SOFC stack development
the values of other main parameters for cell operation
are summarized in Table 1. A pressure drop of 20 mbar at
each gas side is assumed. We also take into account, that
the pressure drop in the gas channels of a solid oxide fuel
Small SOFC systems in the 1 MW range offer thepossibility of cogeneration. Waste heat produced in thenon-ideal electrochemical process can in principle be offeredas useful heat at various temperature levels. There isa realistic chance to enter the market in this power class,because competitive conventional small cogeneration systemsmay justify higher investment costs.Fig. 1 shows a simple concept of a 200 kW SOFCbased on natural gas. On purpose, no optimization wasimplemented. As a typical feedstock, the Groningen naturalgas was chosen. This gas consists mainly of methane81.3 mol%.. Higher hydrocarbons have low concentra-tions ethane 2.9 mol%, propane 0.4 mol%, others 0.2mol%.. The rest is nitrogen 14.3 mol%. and carbondioxide 0.9 mol%.. The lower heating value LHV. is 708kJrmol.It is further assumed that stack operation with a degreeof 50% internal methane reforming would be possible.According to the present status of SOFC stack developmentthe values of other main parameters for cell operationare summarized in Table 1. A pressure drop of 20 mbar ateach gas side is assumed. We also take into account, thatthe pressure drop in the gas channels of a solid oxide fuel0378-7753r98r$
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