One of the problems encountered in all of the publishedstudies to date, including ours, is the effect of antepartumdiagnosis of low-lying placenta on the attending obstetrician’swillingness to undertake expectant management, or willingnessnot to intervene when mild intrapartum vaginal bleeding isobserved. In our series, in three women eligible for a TOL theattending obstetrician recommended an elective Caesareansection in the absence of any other obstetrical indication.We acknowledge that a limitation of this study was thesmall sample size. Nevertheless, we hope that our results(consistent with those of Verganiet al.14 and Dawsonet al.11) will provide further reassurance to obstetriciansabout the safety of TOL in women with a placental edgemore than 10 mm from the internal cervical os.