ABSTRACT: Estrus synchronization allows for parturition at suitable times to take advantage of niche markets,feedsupplies,labor,andrisingpricetrends.In thepast,synchronizationof estrusingoatshasfocused primarily on dairy goats to allow for optimal timing of milk production. However, recent interest in meat goat production has resulted in attempts to use dairy goat, sheep, and cattle synchronization regimens in meat goatmanagementsystems.Methodsofsynchronization haveincludedtechniquesassimpleasalterationoflight patterns or manipulation of social inputs (i.e., the buck effect)andascomplexasvaryingtimedhormonaltreatments combined with light alteration and the buck effect. The synchronization of estrus using timed hormonaltreatmentsseemstobemoreconvenientinmany