The room fell back to silence, everyone was trying hard to find a solution. Meg impatiently said “we can’t deal with the Purcell family unless they have a disaster. But that’s not the case, this year’s weather and crops were outstanding, plus there is no way an insect plague will hit them anytime soon”
Zhao showed and an unexpected smile and said “Grandpa Green, unless an insect plague infects their grains they wouldn’t have time for us, where is their granary?!”
Green stared in shock “Yes, Purcell duchy’s grain main production area is the Llica Plains, it’s a very fertile land which holds a massive granary that contains enough grains to feed the whole duchy for one year, this granary have great importance !”
Zhao laughed loudly “Ha-ha insect plague ha-ha, we can make it happen, let’s see if they can scheme with no food!”