Planning for all five services at once showed that few catchments
contributed significantly to all five services which were
highly irreplaceable. Results from Scenario 1 showed that 8% (4% of
grassland biome) of all catchments had frequencies >0.5. However,
the flexibility of catchments selected to meet target for ecosystem
services reduced as the target levels increased (Fig. 3). This is
expected because high targets indicate that more catchments are
ultimately needed to meet those targets. In Scenario 2, 33% (28% of
the grassland biome) of the catchments had a frequency value of
>0.5. Similarly, Scenario 3 results showed that a larger number of
catchments (>90%) had frequency values >0.5, but few catchments
(0.75. When biodiversity was introduced in
Scenario 4 as a cost layer, more catchments became either highly
irreplaceable with frequency values >0.75 or not needed with