D 317; A2l(22-)24-29 (30); Sp. br. 33-42 (-aQi L. lat. s6-64
The mean number of branched anal ravs is 26.25 + 0.11- in the lll
specimens of the series M.N.II.N. 3932, 26.30'+ 0.19 in tG 3? of the series
M.N.H.N. 3933 (both series from Mekong), 27.30 + 0.40 in ten specimens
from Menam R.; the mean number of gill rakers varies between 36.0 and 37.1. The lateral line is, as in most Parolaubuca species, discontinuous? Consisting in two or even three parallel branches which overlap on a long distance; the scale number mentioned in the formula (56 -64) indicates the total
number of transversal series, the scales in the overlaping portions counted only once. The scale number mentioned by SMITH (f945) in the species-key 50-60 - -is wrong. The mean valueg of the scales number are:60.35 + 0.28