New ideas and business models are erupting almost daily, technology is growing and
changing, and consumers are learning that e-tailing and e-tailing support services such as
comparison agents and reverse auctions can bring increasing control and freedom into their lives.
Nevertheless, e-commerce will continue, to varying degrees, to satisfy both utilitarian, goalfocused
and experiential consumer needs. Understanding the motivations that consumers and
consumer segments have for shopping at your website as well as your land-based stores and
tracking these changes across time should provide direction for planning and implementing
features and benefits that will increase customer satisfaction and loyalty both online and offline.
"Owning" an online customer should prove challenging, but not impossible in the world of
Internet marketing.
New ideas and business models are erupting almost daily, technology is growing andchanging, and consumers are learning that e-tailing and e-tailing support services such ascomparison agents and reverse auctions can bring increasing control and freedom into their lives.Nevertheless, e-commerce will continue, to varying degrees, to satisfy both utilitarian, goalfocusedand experiential consumer needs. Understanding the motivations that consumers andconsumer segments have for shopping at your website as well as your land-based stores andtracking these changes across time should provide direction for planning and implementingfeatures and benefits that will increase customer satisfaction and loyalty both online and offline. 30"Owning" an online customer should prove challenging, but not impossible in the world ofInternet marketing.
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