fatty acid chain and oxygen exposure [21]. Undesirable rancidity flavor produced by the decomposition of lipid
forming peroxide and aldehyde compound [10]. [18] were explaining the determination method of fat rancidity
through TBA (thiobarbituric acid) value. The rancidity of fat contained malonaldehyde which determined by
destilation is then to be reacted with thiobarbituric acid. [16] reported that the TBA value of fresh beef ranged from
0.61 to 0.69 mg / kg, whereas [8] reported that freezing meat could decreasing the TBA value. The frozen beef’s
TBA values ranged from 0.27 to 0.41 mg / kg.
One of the methods for meat processing is garlic beef marination. Garlic beef marination is could prevent
beef fat rancidity and decreasing fatty acid oxidation. [11] reported that garlic pork marination for the concentration
3 and 6% could reduce fatty acid oxidation during storage at 4° C for 7 days. The reaction occurs between allinase
and allin from garlic is happened when garlic got physical treatment such as injury, crushed and cut then forming
allicin (diallyl thiosuphinate) or 2-propenyl-2-propenethiol sulphinate) for less than 10 seconds [2]. [12] were
explaining that allicin is unstable and quickly degraded into various sulfide compounds, which further contributes to
flavor. According to [5] organosulfur compounds (alliin, diallylsulfide, allylsulfide and propylsulfide) have the
capability as fat antioxidants. Garlic also contains antioxidant compounds such as tocopherol [7], selenium [6],
butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) [5].
The expected output and contribution of this study is to provide information regarding the natural
preservatives antioxidant from garlic. The outcome of the study to obtained the data regarding the value of garlic
antioxidant to prevent meat rancidity as a natural preservative.