The Physical Layer support up to a 3 meter cable . It represents the PHY and the actual physical connection between two ports. It receives the 8bit data from the link layer it scrambles to reduce EMI then encodes the data into 10bit symbols, and then it arrange the data to be sent over the cable. When the receiving complete, the operation is performed.
It based on existing specs .The transmitter functions of the Physical Layer include data scrambling, 8b10b encoding, and serialization. But the receiver functions of the Physical Layer include de-serialization, 8b10b decoding, data descrambling, and receiver clock and data recovery.
The interface between the PHY and the MAC is PIPE interface. The data crossing the interface can either8, 16 or 32bit wide. A PCLK is recovered from an incoming connection and passed from the PHY to the MAC. There are also signals on the PIPE interface to indicate whether what is on the data bus is real data or special symbols; 12 or 16bit command signals to control the PHY layer