TAT Weekly Meeting
September 24, 2015
1. Emails to airlines asking for press releases.
a. Meen has already sent emails to the pending 20 airlines.
2. Directory
a. Meen and Phim are jointly updating the golf section, but it cannot be done in time for the October issue. It will be done for the November issue.
b. She will also update the Serviced Apartments and Embassies
3. Website
a. Meen has started sending news and promotions that she receives from airlines and from her own research to K. Neil to upload to www.thailandairlinetimetable.com. He has started uploading to the site, but takes approximately 2 days.
b. She is now coordinating with Kib to send Neil links from the LE website to upload to the TAT site. So far Neil hasn’t uploaded any yet. Sid has emailed Neil to ask him to teach Meen how to upload news and articles.
1. Not able to reach K. Boontieng at Air Sea Guide. Called him several times. Doesn’t have his mobile number. She will speak to some other sales representative and invite them to come in and have a discussion.
2. Following up with Druk Air. They are interested in Double Strips Facing.
3. Speaking to Air Astana about Double Strips Facing + Side Bar Banner on site.
4. She will prepare a letter with attached booking form to offer a special promotion for Double Strips Facing. This will be done in English, Thai, and Japanese (Takumi).
a. The first target will be all airlines.
b. The second target will be all advertisers in Air Sea Guide.
c. The third target will be courier services / car rentals.
d. The fourth target will be restaurants. She will start with Japanese restaurants in the Sukhumvit area and Thaniya. She will get copies of Bangkok Guide, Koko, and Bangkok Shuho in order to find potential advertisers (Japanese restaurants).
e. She will train Eve on how to sell and Eve will help her.
5. Bangkok Airways & Citibank Campaign
a. We have given Bangkok Airways the Back Cover of the October issue on barter basis. Rin has offered it for 10 domestic tickets. Awaiting confirmation.
b. She will get an appointment with their marketing team next week and Sid will join to discuss.
c. Sid will email Citibank now to also arrange a meeting with them.
1. She has sold some subscriptions to hospitals.
2. She has contacted many members of the Rotary Club and golf courses.
3. She will start sending out the pre-paid envelopes for subscription renewals starting with the October issue.
4. She has received images and text from the winners of the survey forms and will give to P Boy to include in the October issue. Meen will upload this info to the website as well along with background information about the winners.