ASEAN, or the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, South (Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN Assciation of) was established by the Bangkok Declaration (The Bangkok Declaration). When August 8, 1967 by founder member 5 Singapore, the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia are Thai signed
. "Bangkok Declaration" (Bangkok Declaration) to establish the Association of cooperation in order to boost the economic growth rate. Social development Cultural development in member countries and to preserve peace and maintain stability. In Asia. Subsequently there has been fantastic at Chennai and first-rate bun RAM (a member since January 8, 1984) was a social Republic of Viet Nam noted the sharp (membership since July 28, 1995), the Lao People's Democratic Republic (membership since July 23, 1997) (Membership since July 23, 1997) of the Kingdom of Cambodia (membership since April 30, 1999), respectively, there are full members of ASEAN. 10 countries.