Section I – Project Managers
To maintain sites properly, routine inspections must be implemented into daily and weekly duties. It is essential for the project manager to perform routine inspections in order for other employees to commit to their own responsibilities.
A daily walkthrough should be performed during the first part of the day. This will ensure that any maintenance jobs that were requested previously is either in the process of being completed, or has been completed already. If instructions are delegated to other personnel, it is still primarily the project manager’s responsibility to make sure the job is completed.
Knowing what a potential homeowner looks for will help identify problems and will make it easier to correct those areas. This may include garbage on the ground, bushes obstructing walkways, cracks in the building’s structure, water drains not draining, etc.
Project Managers are also responsible in maintaining show houses so they are kept in ready to sell condition. This includes walking around the property and looking at the landscape, looking out windows to identify any problem areas, and looking throughout the house to identify defects.
When conducting inspections it is important to keep a consistent routine each time. This will ensure you don’t miss or skip over any areas (example: Start from outside the property, move to clubhouse looking at the ground, building structure, walkways, impeding greenery, etc. Walk through each room, each pathway, and in-between garden ledges. Once finished walking the outside of the property move to each show house and perform the same routine inside the house as well.)
Areas that were identified should be communicated to the proper personnel. When describing the problem, if it is an area that requires continued maintenance, the property manager should educate the employee of the direction the company is improving in and what new standards are expected for that area.
Some areas that require continued maintenance include trash pick-up, clear walkways,trimmed greenery, and proper equipment maintenance, etc.