Access to the winter formal. Many people are planning to travel to provide time for winter. And the Northern winter, it is one of the top events of travelers. Today I will introduce gearbox tourism attractions within the region as well.
Starting at the "Jam", a small district in Chiang Mai. Northern Territory city of Lae city. Isolated jungle Surrounded by mountains In the embrace of the warm water. Smiling, friendly people As close as kin This is a unique and clearly define the Mae. It is still quiet. There are villages in the plains and scattered along a little valley surrounded lined. Residents have a simple lifestyle. There are many spectacular architecture. But one thing is a virtual highlight here is endless rice terraces. It also has attractions as Wat Pa Daet, a division Gan, a Division of guests, the Agricultural Experiment Station at Mae Chon Luang, Mae plantations. And sarong weaving village Teenjok
Stars always Doi Noi District, located within the National Park Si Nan Nan, a scenic area. One of the park The area is a large area along the ridge. It is ideal for travelers who want to travel to the stars. Sunrise And sets in the same area You can also mist The name of this place is that the mountain is always the star.
There are also nearby attractions include the Lion's Head rock cliff looks like a crouching lion. Facing east Television You can view 360 degrees and watch the beautiful sunset point. Explore nature trails For the more adventurous can enjoy the beauty of nature.