The aluminium absorber plate is coated with blackboard black paint to absorb maximum incident solar
radiation. The absorber plate is placed directly behind the transparent cover (plastic/polymer) with a layer of air
separating it from the cover. The air to be heated passes between the transparent cover and the absorber plate. To
increase the temperature of air by greenhouse effect, a transparent plastic cover was placed. The gap between the
plastic cover and the absorber surface was maintained at 0.1m for air flow. The absorber was kept on 0.004m plywood
to minimise heat losses to surrounding from the backside. Depending upon the latitude of the location, the inclined
face of the stand is so chosen that it receives maximum solar insolation over the year of operation. For example,
surfaces facing south with an angle of inclination of about 300 is efficient for locations for latitude 190[5, 6].
Transparent cover of the solar dryer consists of plastic material polycarbonate sheet and it allows the transmition of
solar radiation with minimum amount of absorption and reflection in the solar spectrum. Also, it acts as resistance to