main measures for preventing industrial accidents and other important matters related to the prevention of industrial accidents (hereinafter referred to as “Industrial Accident Prevention Plan”).
Article 7. (Alteration)
• When the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare finds it necessary taking into account the occurrence of industrial accidents and the effects of their countermeasures, he/she shall alter the Industrial Accident Prevention Plan after hearing the opinion of the Labor Policy Council.
Article 8. (Publication)
• The Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare shall, when he/she has formulated an Industrial Accident Prevention Plan, make it public without delay. The same shall apply when he/she alters it.
Article 9. (Recommendations, etc.)
• The Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare shall, when he/she finds it necessary for the adequate and smooth implementation of the Industrial Accident Prevention Plan, make necessary recommendations or requests regarding matters concerning the prevention of industrial accidents to employers, employers' organizations, and other said persons.
Chapter III. Organization for Safety and Health Management
Article 10. (General Safety and Health Manager)
• (1) The employer shall, as provided for by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, appoint a general safety and health manager for each workplace of the scale defined by Cabinet Order and have the said person direct the work of safety officers, health officers, or persons in charge of management of technical matters