Maybe I did not make my pov clear enough. I did not find it annoying that he is heartbroken. I find it somehow annoying, that he tends to keep on hurting himself by following someone who he knows have been “taken” already. I do admit that I compare a little to the novel as well, although it is written from Noh’s pov. And I compare from the season 1 series too. I used to like the character Earn a lot, from the novel, and from the start of the series. He seemes like a real strong and masculine character, that actually could draw peoples attention just by his presence. For me this just somehow falls apart when I see him running behind Noh like a puppy, already knowing Noh’s heart belongs to someone else. I find it a little pathetic, and I don’t quite understand why the production team wants his character to take this direction. It’s like they are overplaying his role because he is a pretty adorable actor. It just does not work for me. I would love to see him socializing more with the Angels Gang, because he actually did a lot for them. Where is that spirit? All gone because a guy he didn’t even date once, was taken by someone else because he was too slow on the trigger? I know all this happened over a few days, but still he knew he had lost and he kept on following Noh, trying to draw his attention, well knowing it will probably not work out, and then decide to sit all by himself and feeling sad.
I don’t know, it just seems a little weird to me.
As for Per, I have no problems with his behaviour because it is not unusual to meet people like this at all. I think it is a good thing they included that type of person in the series. I just don’t like to see him with a sensitive person like Win. He would be better of with one of the horrible girls at the convent… Hehehehe. I actually think that would be a perfect match.
Thanks to all for responding ;-)