Figure 8. Nanowire dye-sensitized cell, based on a ZnO nanowire array.
(A) Schematic diagram of the cell. Light is incident through the bottom
electrode. (B) Device performance under AM 1.5G illumination for two
cells with roughness factors of ∼200. Traces of the current density versus
voltage (J-V) for a small cell (active area, 0.2 cm2; efficiency of 1.51%)
and a large cell (0.8 cm2; 1.26%). Inset: EQE versus wavelength for the
large cell. (C) Comparative performance of nanowire and nanoparticle cells.
Short-circuit current density (JSC) versus roughness factor for cells based
on ZnO nanowires, 12-nm TiO2 particles, and 30- and 200-nm ZnO particles.
Error bars are an estimate of the maximum range of the values and are
limited to maximize figure clarity. Cell size: 0.8 cm2. Reprinted with
permission from ref 7. Copyright 2005 Nature.