The integrated combined cycles (ICCs) traditionally involve
only gas and steam turbines. They can be broadened to the
integration of high-temperature FC having high electrical efficiency
reaching 40–60%, compared to 30–35% for most gas
turbines [1]. There are three main CO2 pathways through fuelbased
energy systems, including FC, with regard to the ambient:
recycling, build-up and sequestration (Fig. 1). The extent of the
currently developing climate change is influenced by the volume
fraction of CO2 in the atmosphere. The presented diagram in Fig. 1
points to three major ways of limiting CO2 emissions—improving
energy conversion efficiency, increasing the CO2 recycling via
biofuels and CO2 sequestration. There is an extensive research
aiming at efficiency improvement of FC systems. Karvountzi et al.
[2] compared the integration of molten carbonate fuel cells
(MCFC) and solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) into hybrid systems. Kurz
[3] emphasises on the choice of appropriate gas turbines (GT) for
given fuel cells, and Massardo and Bosio [4] study the MCFC
combinations with gas and steam turbines. A very promising
option is to integrate the FC with bottoming cycles to design
dedicated power generation or combined heat-and-power (CHP)