● Pr>|T| = p-value for a two-tailed t-test of whether the population average is zero. Low
p-values provide evidence that the population mean is not zero. ( Incidentally, you will
probably never see SAS label a p-value by that name. Instead, SAS will phrase the pvalue
as a probability. In this case, Pr>|T| indicates the probability of achieving a larger
absolute value of the t-test statistic if, indeed, the population average is zero.)
● Num ^= 0 is the number of observations not equal to zero.
● Num > 0 is the number of observations greater than zero.
● M(Sign) = (number of >0 elements) - (number of non-zero elements)/2, to test that the
median is 0.
● Pr>=|M| is the p-value for the two-tailed sign test.
● Sgn Rank = Wilcoxon signed rank statistic for testing whether the median of the
population distribution is different from zero.
● Pr>=|S| is the p-value for the two-tailed signed rank test.
● W:Normal = A statistic for testing whether the data follow a normal distribution.
(Depending on the sample size, SAS uses different tests for normality, see manual.)
This was requested by typing NORMAL in the PROC UNIVARIATE statement.
● Pr