Besides Chu Xian, other people!
Really that organization seizes every opportunity seriously!
„ I do not know that these rabbit meat had been intoxicated in any case, if you do not believe that I, can eat to look 1 Ye Xinghe said calmly.
„Really is the bullshit, you said that these rabbit meat were poisonous, how do we also eat?” Zhao Ning'er said resentfully.
„Xinghe, were actually these rabbit meat how intoxicated?” Xia Yuning in one side Qi Dao, she believes Ye Xinghe obviously, although she does not know how Ye Xinghe realized was intoxicated, but in the innermost feelings has a firm trust.
„I do not know.” Ye Xinghe shook the head, if says among them to have the traitor within now, on the one hand will alert the enemy, on the other hand will make them suspect to confuse own situations mutually, „ that Men in Black method is extraordinary, can under our eyes hide intoxicate not strangely 1
Incomparably mystical Dark Messenger, the strength of that fellow is immeasurably deep!
An Xueyun looks up Ye Xinghe, asked: „ Xinghe, we what to do? We always impossible 56 days not to eat the thing! If so, does not wait for them to come, we have starved to death 1
„ This simple 1 Ye Xinghe shows a faint smile.
„Simple?” Lin Hong et al. surprisedly look at Ye Xinghe.
Ye Xinghe shows a faint smile, he walks toward nearby thick patch of grass, is seeking in the mixed haystack, at the same time said: „ The thing of world , to promote and constrains mutually, the region that this Poisonuous Dragon Grass grows, must have one type medicinal herbs that called the dark clouds grass, the dark clouds grass was the same with Poisonuous Dragon Grass, was the violently poisonous thing, but two mixed is eating together, absolutely did not have any toxicity 1
„? Really has such matter?”
Students are very surprised, Teacher Lin Yi et al., cannot help but learned of surprised Ye Xinghe, these matter they do not know!
The Ye Xinghe yawn swallows a dark clouds grass, then ate the rabbit meat.
„ Snort, if in this rabbit meat does not contain Poisonuous Dragon Grass, you actually the dark clouds grass swallowing down, had been killed by poison also got what one deserves 1 Zhao Ning'er to say indignantly.