To test the inter-packet spacing theory in a controlled
environment, we built an experimental testbed. The base
scenario is depicted in Figure 1, where the only traffic on the
network was the traffic generated from our client. The first
scenario shows a PC server machine, a laptop acting as a
client connected by a 100Mbps shared hub (the hub was only
used to create a scenario where we could sniff the traffic on
the link). An additional PC was used to observe traffic
traversing the link. The network sniffing software used was
Ethereal [10].
We conducted experiments using FTP traffic for ten
different file sizes from 10MB to 100MB using increments of
10MB. Each test was done ten times and similar results were
generated. The client machine (laptop) initiated the transfer
and downloaded a file from the server. For this experiment,
we label the path taken by the data traffic from the server to
the client as the forward path. The data was captured to be
analyzed offline. For the wireless experiments, we extended
the network with a wireless router as shown in Figure 2.