The fibreboard properties were improved by increased
levels of added hydrogen peroxide (2.5–4.0)%. Addition of
a fibreboard water-repelling agent, calcium chloride (CaCl2),
improved the water resistance and reduced the thickness
swelling by approximately 25%. As could be expected, the
oxidative activated fibreboards are very sensitive to water and
The mechanical and physical properties of the non-resin
straw fibreboards are not acceptable according to requirements
in the EN standards of MDF. However, use of these
fibreboards in applications designed for dry conditions is possible.
Moreover, the non-resin straw fibreboards do not emit
formaldehyde, and can be produced at a considerable lower
rawmaterial cost than conventionalwood-based MDF. Further
research should concentrate on methods for improved surface
activation of refined ligno-cellulosic material for reduction of
water absorption and improved mechanical strength of fibreboards.
Non-resin, non-wood fibreboards may have potential
for future board applicationswhenwood-based fibre resources