Guided Practice
The teacher, using body language, directs the students to get up out of their seats. The teacher selects a volunteer to help model the next activity. The teacher greets the student. The teacher gives his/her name. The teacher asks the student what the student's name is. The teacher encourages/praises the student for a good response. The teacher then asks all the students to walk around the room and greet at least 5 other students. The student greets one "partner" and then moves to a second partner, then a third, etc.
In the meantime, the teacher is circulating the room, observing and encouraging the students in their activity.
After about 3-5 minutes, the teacher gives a signal for the students to listen. The teacher can start clapping to some kind of musical rhythm or use a musical instrument to create some music. The teacher encourages the students to clap along to the rhythm or to sing along with the music. When the clapping/music stops, the students listen.
Now the teacher points to another time of day (morning/afternoon/evening) and models, with a volunteer, the new greeting. Then, the students walk around the room again and greet more new classmates with the second greeting.
After 3-5 minutes, teacher signals with clapping/music for students to focus. Teacher points to third time of day, models new greeting and asks students to greet another set of NEW classmates.