The effect of germination time on physicochemical
characteristics of brown rice flour and its effect on gluten free
bread qualities have been investigated. Germination was carried
out at 28 °C and 100 % RH for 12, 24 and 48 h; brown
rice and soaked brown rice was also analyzed. Significant
changes on hydration and pasting properties of brown rice
flour were found during germination. The starch degradation
by enzyme activity could be evidenced with the decrease in
viscosity and water binding capacity (WBC). No significant
effect in specific volume, humidity and water activity of the
gluten free bread was found as germination time increase, but
a significant softness of the crumb was obtained. However, at
48 h of germination, the intense action of α amylase could
result in excessive liquefaction and dextrinisation, causing
inferior bread quality. Overall, germinated rice flour showed
appropriate functionality for being used as raw ingredient in
gluten free breadmaking