Many of the key decisions required to launch the UCS were made during
a one-day workshop convened by the Prime Minister on 17 March 2001, including:
using general tax revenues as the funding source; the 30 baht co-payment
for any visit or admission; the key services constituting the benefi ts package;
and the per capita capitation rate. Before the end of the day, the timeline for
implementation was also agreed: the scheme would be launched in six provinces
in April 2001, in an additional 15 provinces by June 2001, and nationwide by April
2002. The fi rst six provinces were those previously piloting the payment reform of
the World Bank’s Social Investment Project from 1998 to 200112.
Box 2: Civil society’s role in establishing universal health coverage
in Thailand
Civil society played a leading role in securing Parliament’s commitment
t o u n i v e r s a l h e a l t h c o v e r a g e . I n O c t o b e r 2 0 0 0 a g r o u p o f
11 Thai NGOs led by Senator Jon Ungphakorn formed a united
front and announced their intention to support universal coverage.
Ungphakorn, a social activist and founder of the AIDS Access