The contextualization document describes WHO guidelines as long-term strategies, illustrates four categories of interventions with specific examples for South Africa, and makes recommendations for the scaling up of these interventions or for adding to them. The recommendations formulated in this document were submitted to South Africa’s national Department of Health, as part of an engagement around the development of a new “human resources for health plan” for South Africa. Many of them were subsequently included in the new plan, which was launched in October 2011.14 As a result of the contextualization document, the plan included a priority area entitled: “Access in rural and remote areas” – as well as seven other priority areas in which issues relating to access to health care in rural areas were also embedded. The partnership being led by the Rural Health Advocacy Project is continuing to engage with the South African Department of Health on the establishment of a taskforce to develop an implementation plan for improving “access in rural and remote areas”. A detailed implementation plan has already been drafted by the partnership. More recently, the partnership has been in discussion with the various groups that have been working on the development of human resource norms and indicators for all levels of the health service in South Africa.