Congestive heart failure is a major public health problem with steadily increasing
prevalence, high morbidity and early mortality. A multidisciplinary approach seems
the best way to manage patients with heart failure since it has been shown to improve
clinical outcome and especially to reduce the rate of readmission due to acute or
chronic decompensation. Nurses have a leading role in this “heart failure team” due
to their excellent clinical assessment and communication skills as well as due to their
ability to work closely with the patient. Thus, they are able to deliver care in many
forms and contexts throughout the course of the disease. Specialized in heart failure
care nurses can assess the signs and symptoms of cardiac destabilisation, monitor
therapy compliance, provide education, psycho-social support and counselling, develop
behaviour modification techniques, and also act as the healthcare liaison for the
patients and their family at any stage of the disease. The ultimate aim is, through this
integrated approach, to reduce mortality, prevent rehospitalisation, increase functional
ability and improve quality of life for heart failure patients.