Background/ Motivation of the study
English is spoken by more people than any other language, and is the native language of more than 350 million people. More people speak English than those who speak the Arabic and French languages combined. Moreover, English is the international language of diplomacy, business, science, technology, banking, computing, medicine, aviation, UN & NATO armed forces, engineering, tourism, Hollywood films and arguably the best pop and rock music in the world. They may even have an interest in speaking English just to converse with travellers from other countries, who communicate by using the English global interlingua while travelling abroad. If you are studying English at school, college or university, remember that getting an ‘A’ grade in English is almost worthless, in terms of communication, if you cannot speak the language. Spoken English is used in the best careers, the best universities, and is increasingly being used at job interviews. So like it or not, English is a very important language to learn how to speak. Knowing English opens job and employment opportunities in many countries and markets. Multilateral institutions and agencies in the four United Nation cities of New York, Vienna, The Hague and Geneva recruit professionals with multilingual skills but also expect the candidates to have good English-speaking skills. The Commonwealth of Nations, made up of 50-plus countries that were former British colonies or dependencies, also offers numerous employment opportunities to those who understand and communicate in English. Vocabulary learning strategy (VLS) is an approach which facilitates vocabulary learning and has attracted considerable attention. It is a movement away from teaching- oriented approach toward one that is interested in seeing how actions of learners might affect their acquisition of vocabulary. Strategies can help learners both in discovering the meaning of a word, and consolidating it and are specially needed when they are encouraged to learn independently. Vocabulary is a key component of all languages because it’s what we used to convey the sentiment, needs or knowledge in the use of language to communicate effectively. It is essential that everyone needs to learn. The problems which found in learning English is a problem into develop knowledge and understanding of the English vocabulary language. Therefore, it can be said that knowledge of the vocabulary is one that indicates the progress in learning language. The vocabulary is so importance to affect the development of language skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing as well.
In Kasetsart University, Kamphaeng Saen Campus, he vocabulary is so important to the student in learning and speaking. Especially, in student group that must to know about it. The strategies so important that can help them to remember English vocabulary and which strategies them use too much. So, the researchers did a study about mnemonic English vocabulary strategies and which strategies were used to develop for English vocabulary learning.
Literature review
Definition of terms
Mnemonics “refer to” A system such as a pattern of letters, ideas, or associations which assists in remembering something:
Strategy “refer to” A method or plan chosen to bring about a desired future
(Wittrock, 1988) Mnemonics: Focusing on memory. This is an area that has
received by far the most attention, so much so that I would even argue that it has turned into a classic case of overkill. Mnemonics as aids to memory has fascinated philosophers, psychologists, teachers, and learners ever since antiquity.
Mnemonic devices in foreign language vocabulary learning in modern times were boosted by a whole robust line of research inspired by Atkinson (1972, 1975) and Raugh(1975). The presupposition underlying this research tradition is very simple: 1) mnemonic devices work miraculously in boosting memory; 2) vocabulary learning is essentially a memory issue; and therefore 3) mnemonics should work for foreign language vocabulary learning as well.
Thomas (Thomas, 2006) provides a means to remember that was the memory (Mnemonic), which is the Greek word pronounced this "Mnemon Pronounced Neh-Mahn-ik". Rhyme in poetry or mental help them to remember something. Specification of the device to remember these are called "help" memory can be used to remember.
Peter(2003) Strategy: a learning strategy is a series of actions a learner takes to facilitate the completion of a learning task. A strategy starts when the learner analyzes the task, the situation, and what is available in his/her own repertoire. The learner then goes on to select, deploy, monitor, and evaluate the effectiveness of this action, and decides if s/he needs to revise the plan and action.
Cohen(1998) distinguishes between language learning strategies and language use strategies, the former being strategies for learning tasks such as remembering, and the latter being strategies for language use, such as communicating in an L2.
Fredric (Fred, 2000), the definition of the strategies (Strategy), as follows:
1) The mechanism is of the highest management priority is the largest, handling.
2) Refer to the basic strategy decisions about direction, that is purposes and mission
3) The mechanism consists of an important action that is necessary to understand these directions.
4) Administrative questions strategy ought to do?
5) Strategies to answer the end and the way we should be able to achieve, what it is.
The LINCS strategy focuses on retention for vocabulary, complete with “connecting stories” and pictures. I think this is a powerful, easy-to-implement technique that could upgrade any lesson plan. The LINCS strategy combines summarizing, chunking, nonlinguistic representation, building and partial vocabulary just to name a few (Dr.Marzano, 2010).
Dictionary strategies, Learners’ dictionaries are certainly compiled with the language learner in mind. And almost every such dictionary is accompanied by at least one workbook (most notably Underhill, 1980; Whitcut, 1979) aiming for the training of dictionary strategies to maximize the effect of dictionary use in language learning. With only a handful of exceptions, little has been done empirically to find out what dictionary strategies are used by learners and whether and how these strategies influence their learning outcomes.
Acronyms, you form acronyms by using each first letter from a group of words to form a new word. This is particularly useful when remembering words in a specified order. Acronyms are very common in ordinary language and in many fields.
(From: Brain Wave Entertainment Technology)
Sentences/Acrostics, like acronyms, you use the first letter of each word you are trying to remember. Instead of making a new word, though, you use the letters to make a sentence.
(From: Brain Wave Entertainment Technology)
Rhymes & songs, rhythm, repetition, melody, and rhyme can all aid memory. If you are familiar with the book, then you know that it is quite long. That is why it is so remarkable to realize that this, along with many ancient stories, was told by storytellers who would rely solely on their memories. The use of rhyme, rhythm, and repetition helped the storytellers remember them.
(From: Brain Wave Entertainment Technology)
Method of LOCI, this technique was used by ancient orators to remember speeches, and it combines the use of organization, visual memory, and association. Before using the technique, you must identify a common path that you walk. This can be the walk from your dorm to class, a walk around your house, whatever is familiar. What is essential is that you have a vivid visual memory of the path and objects along it. Once you have determined your path, imagine yourself walking along it, and identify specific landmarks that you will pass.
(From: Brain Wave Entertainment Technology)
Chunking, this is a technique generally used when remembering numbers, although the idea can be used for remembering other things as well. It is based on the idea that short-term memory is limited in the number of things that can be contained. A common rule is that a person can remember 7 (plus or minus 2) "items" in short-term memory. In other words, people can remember between 5 and 9 things at one time. You may notice that local telephone numbers have 7 digits. This is convenient because it is the average amount of numbers that a person can keep in his or her mind at one time.
(From: Brain Wave Entertainment Technology)
Physical Mnemonics, expression in the body to help remember more effective than rote various teaching techniques. Therefore it is the concept of the technical body such as the method satisfy the posture (Total Physical
Response) invented by Ascher(2006). And teaching a silent (Silent Way) invented by Gattegno(2006).
The review (Review) humans don't like computers. Although there is a good chance to forget the memory. So, language learning to be successful, it must be review what learned regularly and remember (Thompson, 2006).
The grouping technique (Grouping) known as the psychology that things. It will be better when grouping Clustering words. The learners want to remember the organization of several types such as the clustering based on the color, size, function, likes or dislikes or manage any style that students see that is how to help remember.
(Peter Yongqi Gu, 2003) Thanks to the pioneers in rote rehearsal, incidental vocabulary learning and mnemonic strategies, the field has come to many valuable conclusions. However, in order to avoid asking repeatedly very similar research questions on various approaches to vocabulary presentation and retention, this following section will attempt to turn our attention to avenues for further research.
Purpose statement
To find out whic