Next day.
I gathered everyone together and declared that we should leave the city.
Almost like I am now the leader, but everyone confirmed my decision.
Is it because they consider me as Paul's replacement?
In that case, then I will play that role.
First I want to discuss our route home.
To avoid talking about the Teleportation Magic Circle, I explained that we have some special method of travel.
Also, I forewarned them not to let the word out about this.
"But, Gisu seems like the type that would leak once he's drunk."
"Ah, well, even in that case I won't fess up Senpai's name. Don't worry."
That guy doesn't know how to shut up.
I won't tell them the exact coordinates.
Maybe I should make them wear blindfolds before entering the ruins.
Oh, that's a good idea.
Let's do that, blindfolds.
"Travel should be fine, but Senpai, are you really okay now."
Gisu seems still worried about me.
A frown on his monkey face, he spies at me.
"Can you see anything wrong?'
"Well, no... Ah, a lot better than before."
"Then it's fine."
To be honest, I'm not perfectly fine.
But thanks to Roxy, I crawled out of the abyss.
But, how do we deal with the trip home?
"Lilia, how's mother doing? A month and half in the desert, can she handle that kind of travel?"
"I'm not sure, but I'll take the responsibility of taking care of her."
"... Please do."
Lilia accepts the responsibility earnestly.
I should be able to help too.
As long as she has stamina for it, we can take it slowly.
"Then should we buy a carriage of some kind?"
"But we'll have to throw it away midway?"
"Not a big deal. Money is no longer a problem.