The impact of oral health on social functioning and quality of life has been documented in the literature. Sanders et al. found that the impact of oral disease disproportionately affected disadvantaged groups.12 Another study found that dental caries in the primary dentition had a significant impact on children’s well-being in terms of eating patterns and sleep habits.13 The World Health Organization acknowledged the social impact of oral diseases resulting in restricted school, work, and home activities and loss of millions of school and work hours annually.14 The recent US Surgeon General’s report on oral health acknowledged that people with oral diseases might avoid conversation, laughing, smiling, and other nonverbal expressions to hide their mouth and teeth; therefore, oral diseases are likely to damage self-esteem and compromise the ability to sustain and build social relationships, affecting dating and mating behaviors, other interpersonal contacts, and participation in social or community activities.15 The report also emphasized that ignoring oral health compromises well-being, has financial and social costs, and diminishes quality of life.