Moreover, farmers should
have strategies related to fruit production
emphasized in product quality
and chemical safety and try to set up a
network in production process among
fruit farmers to exchange their GAP
production knowledge in order to
improve the productivity and enhance
market power in input demand. While
the government should act as an intermediary
and has a role in supporting
a GAP farmer group network to create
empowerment in price negotiation and
Thai government should also find the
way to negotiate with Chinese government
to send the officials to Thailand
to investigate our fruit products before
shipping to China to reduce the long
process of checking at the Chinese port
and the loss of Thai fresh fruit quality.
Nevertheless, Thai government should
have a fast move to make a deal with the
Chinese government about the imposed
VAT to improve a free and fair trade
between these two countries otherwise
FTA may cause a big problem for the
Thai Farmers in the forthcoming years.